Posts Tagged ‘Envoy of Sanctification’

Recently, I posted a blog about the Holy Spirit that I found interesting. To summarize, there is a great deal of Creation that would NOT be around had it not been for the Holy Spirit on this earth, including you and me. Secondly, the Holy Spirit thinks, feels, and He even wills things, meaning He determines the best course in a situation…My recommendation is to find that post, Holy Spirit 101, and read it for yourselves.

Also, before I get too far, I wanted to share that there is a HUGE amount of material about how the Holy Spirit was active during the Old Testament, so…, if I can get my act together and get that organized, I will work to post that portion also.

Today, I have some more meat for you, meaning, some fundamental details about what the Holy Spirit is doing right now that I think you will find very relevant to you and your family. The Holy Spirit doesn’t just float around in ether all day, He is actively working on God’s plan for earth, which translated, means God’s plan for you and me. 

Finally, I have elected to provide this information to you in outline format with scripture references and some commentary to make it easier for you to consume.

So back to the question, What is the Holy Spirit doing right now?

He is the Envoy of Salvation

  1. He convicts us of guilt – John 16:7-8
  2. He reveals the truth to you and me about Jesus Christ – John 14:16, 26
  3. He gives us new birth. John 3:3-6 – Please note, this is a fundamental element about Christ saving us. Christ refers to this as being reborn or born again. This is the Holy Spirit at work in us.
  4. He incorporates you and me into the body of Christ – 1 Cor 12:13

When we accept Christ into our hearts at our conversion, we receive the Holy Spirit – John 3:3-6, John 20:22. When this happens, you and I become participants in the Divine Nature of Christ – 2 Peter 1:4

This last point is HUGE because when we are part of His Divine Nature, we can escape the corruption in this world that is caused by evil desires.

Guys, this is not rocket science, we need help navigating all of the garbage that the enemy is or will throw at us while we are in this world. I have written a great deal about this in previous blogs. TRUTH STATEMENT: the Holy Spirit is what helps you and who guides you when all of the bad stuff happens. Please remember: YOU ARE NOT ALONE.

He is the Envoy of Sanctification

Please don’t stop reading at this point. I know that “Sanctification” is a $50 theological word that most people don’t understand but it is very simple. It means you are set apart, you have been made different, you are purified – Romans 8:9, 1 Cor 6:19

Because He lives in us, look at what He does:

  1. He cleanses us and motivates us toward living a Holy life
  2. He constantly delivers you and me from the bondage of sin – Romans 8:2-4, Galatians 5:16-7, 2 Thes 2:13. And believe me, we need to be delivered from those shackles.
  3. He reminds us that we are children of God – Romans 8:16
  4. He helps us worship God and helps with our prayer life – Acts 10:46
  5. He intercedes when we cry out to God –  Romans 8:26-27

This list is far longer and more comprehensive to provide and I don’t want to lose you from reading on.

He is the Envoy of Service

  1. He empowers us to service and to be His witnesses. The actual work of the Holy Spirit is related to the Baptism in the Spirit or also the fullness of the Spirit. When we are baptized, we recipe power to carry the message of Christ forward – Acts 1:8

Again, there is a HUGE amount of material about the Baptism in the Holy Spirit that if you have any interest, I highly encourage you to investigate further or leave me a note and I can send it to you.

He is the Envoy who incorporates all of us (believers) into the body of Christ, together – 1 Cor 12:13

The Church is the cornerstone of the ministry of Christ on Earth and the Holy Spirit moving is at the center of this.

  1. He lives inside the Church – 1 Cor 3:16
  2. He actively builds the Church – Ephesians 2:22
  3. He actively inspires the worship of the Church – Philippians 3:3
  4. He actively directs the mission of the Church – Acts 13:2,4
  5. He actively appoints the workers in the Church – Acts 20:28
  6. He actively appoints the Pastors for the Church – Acts 2:4, 1 Cor 2:4

I think it can be very fair to say that without the moving of the Holy Spirit in a church, the church is dead. I realize those are very strong words to use about a church but I believe they are spoken in truth. It is required by you and me to seek a church where the Spirit is active and alive in the ministry so we can be fed each week. 

The hard part about writing a blog on this topic is the fact that I have to leave out so much information just so the blog doesn’t become a book. That is where I rely on you, the reader, to take the next step of at least, looking up the scripture references simply because the Bible clearly states HIS Word will NOT return void.

Drop me a line in the comments section-

Until next time Guys…