If you’re like me, the older I get, the more I learn, and the more I learn, the more I realize I don’t know…but that is a whole other blog. This post is about my continuing revelation of how God constructed this whole “personal relationship with Jesus” idea and why I think its so hard for men to stay consistent. 

News Flash, yours (and mines) personal relationship with Christ must begin with humility.

Yes, I said Humility. But the problem is that “being humble” works directly against how we feel about ourselves while we live on earth. 

Face it guys, it is HARD to be humble when all we see is ego exhibited everyday of our lives. It seems like very athlete just seems to call attention to themselves. Not everyone…but a lot of them. A baseball player hits a monster home run and he just stands there and admires it as it leaves the ballpark…A body builder stands in front of the mirror and just stares and stares…

We live in such a “Me ONLY” focused world that as Christian men, its so easy to assimilate into that culture. Look at it this way, if you get up each day and don’t think about your relationship with Christ and just start your day with you driving, I can easily say that over time, you will find yourself moving towards prideful behavior. The influence is that strong.

Listen to how The Message translation of the Bible talks about this in Proverbs 16:18, First pride, then the crash – the bigger the ego, the harder the fall. That is pretty self explanatory isn’t it? God doesn’t have any place for pride or egos in His Kingdom. Its all about HIM, not us.

What you and I see around us here on earth was NOT the plan God had in mind. Rather, sin got in the way and it corrupted everything (Genesis 3 to be exact). As hard as this may be to grasp, pride is NOT from God. It was NOT created by God but rather it is from Satan and he is the one selling that crap to all of us through television, or online, or at the gym…

It is everywhere and conditioning you slowly.

Pride IS a wall keeping you from a relationship with God and it blocks your ability to communicate with Him. Once you reach a point that you are so full of yourself that you don’t think you need God, then the enemy has you where he wants you.

Remember the Bible also tells us in James 4:10 to Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up. As I have told you before, NOW IS THE TIME to get right with God Guys! You can see the signs all around you just as easily as I can. 

Satan is working overtime to pull as many men and their families down as he can. 

Where do you plan on spending eternity?

My “ask” of you today is don’t let your ego be the reason you walk away from God. You might be very good at something…your job, or a sport, or something else…but remember that skill is a gift from Him and if you thank Him for it rather than act like it came from you, who knows, we just might be playing a pick up game on that Heavenly court in the sky.

I’ll meet you there…

Until next time Guys-

Almost 10 years ago, I wrote this post based on what I sensed and felt going on in the world at that time; which was only sadness and destruction. Fast forward 10 years later, everything kinda looks pretty much the same. I don’t know about you, but that fact causes me to seek God every day for the very same thing I did back then…a reason for hope.

I know that I cannot provide anyone with the reasons why our world is like this other than the Bible states who is “the god of this age” (2 Corinthians 4:4, John 12:31, 1 John 5:19)  who prowls around seeking to devour (1 Peter 5:8) those who don’t resist him. Believe me, my friends, NOW IS THE TIME TO RESIST THE ENEMY. Don’t give up on yourself but rather look to Christ for your hope. Here is what I mean;

God’s word is clear…” I will never leave you or forsake (forget) you” (Joshua 1:5)

By its very nature, the word hope concerns the future, our future. Now I know that I have written before on this blog that Hope is NOT a Strategy, however, I am not referring to a simple hope such as, “I hope I can get a nicer car or bigger house”, but rather I am talking about Biblical hope, which is very different. Biblical hope consists of assurance inside your heart or just firm confidence about future things because of God’s promises and His revelation to us. 

Guys, real Biblical hope in Christ Jesus is something that never fails when you place your trust in Him. The Apostle Paul tells us in Romans 15:13;

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.

In other words, Biblical hope is inseparably linked with a firm faith in Him. They go hand-in-hand with one another. As a result, what is yielded is a confident trust in God that is unshakable when the adversity of life hits you like a wave…(Like right now).

So with all of the chaos our world is throwing at you every single day, I wanted to give you some actual reasons why you can still have faith and HOPE that things are going to be alright…

So here are my 5 reasons for all of us to have HOPE right now…

God is still on the throne – He hasn’t gone anywhere. He is still alive and at work in our world. I know it is very easy to look at what happens in this world and say God is dead or maybe He is just sleeping? Believe me, I have heard that before. But the Bible assures us He is alive and well and knows exactly what is happening on this earth.

With man, things are impossible…but with God, ALL things are possible (Mark 10:27) It is so easy to just give up and give in to all of the adversity that is constantly thrown in our direction because we simply forget God’s promises. The bottom line, God has NO limitations. His ways are NOT our ways and therefore he will not react or think as we do…our response needs to be to simply ask, to trust, and to hope in Him.

You Are Not Alone – We are told in Joshua 1:5, “He will never leave us nor forsake us” and I’ve come to realize that my trying to understand the ”whys” of this world is NOT my job. My job is to completely trust in Him…even though I don’t understand. LET GOD DO THE HEAVY LIFTING. Do you remember the story of Peter when he got out of the boat and started walking on the water to meet Jesus? (Matthew 14:29-30) He was actually walking on water until he took his eyes off Christ and then what happened? He started sinking fast…and what was his reaction? He cried, “Lord save me!” which is exactly what we are supposed to do…

All of what you are going through right now is only temporary – Weeping may last for the night…but joy comes in the morning (Psalms 30:5).  It is easy to “get caught up” with what we SEE. But I am here to remind you that Jesus has prepared a place for all of us IN HEAVEN (John 14:2) and this place we see around us, will all pass away. It is only temporary. Heaven is eternal.

I know how this story ends – All of the difficulties and adversity we face every day sometimes can be overwhelming. It may seem like the bad guy in this world may be winning. But let me assure you with an overwhelming confidence. Have you ever read Revelation? Because I know who wins in the end. You and I will be victorious.

    But you MUST STAY THE COURSE. Don’t give up. Have faith and put your trust in Him.

    He will give you the reason to HOPE…

    Until next time guys…

    How has your week been? If you’re like me, you are in the middle of the storm and working hard just to keep the ship going straight. Does that sound familiar? I was reminded of something earlier that I think may be of some strength to you if you are in that storm I mentioned. I also feel compelled to write this directly to those of you who need to hear this today. You know who you are.

    Do you remember Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego? This is the great story in the Bible in the Book of  Daniel chapter 3 about these young men who were a part of the conquering of Israel by Babylon and King Nebuchadnezzar. They came to Babylon as slaves but with higher positions due to their intelligence and previous standing in Israel. The problem for them was that Nebuchadnezzar issued a command that everyone in his kingdom was required to worship an image made of gold when they blew the trumpets and these 3 young men refused to do so.

    So the king had these young men brought before him and threatened them with death by the fiery furnace if they did not comply. Their response was incredible. With great faith, they told him that “our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace, and He will deliver us out of your hand oh King”. As you can imagine, this upset the King so much that he had the furnace heated 7 times hotter than normal to ensure they were destroyed. In fact, the furnace was so hot that the guards who threw them in were killed.

    But here is the key to the story and what I wanted to share with you today which is the title to this post. First, they did not die when they went in but rather just stood there marveling at what was happening. More importantly, however, King Nebuchadnezzar noticed there was another one in the fire with them. Instead of 3 men, there were now 4. Jesus himself came and stood with these boys in the midst of what should have been sure death but instead…they were saved.

    Guys, that is the single point I wanted to convey to you today. They were saved JUST like you can be. No matter what you are in the middle of, there is another one in the fire with you today. And I can say with absolute confidence that you are NOT alone on your journey. I encourage you to hold on today to these words today that He is with you in your fire, standing at your side.

    I understand though…when you don’t see Him physically and sometimes you don’t feel Him it is easy to think you’re alone…and those feelings are real and they can cause your faith to weaken to where you become vulnerable to the enemy’s lies.

    My words to you are hold on. Keep pounding on heaven’s doors because there is another one in the fire with you…right in the middle of the storm and chaos that is around you. Don’t give in to the enemy…resist and hang on to the words of Christ.

    Remember this…no matter what happens in this world, all of the bad things and the struggles of this life…we are told to take heart because He has OVERCOME the world. He has already won the battle for you…you just have to believe that.

    Until next time Guys-

    Today, I want to go back to the very beginning of mankind for this post. Literally back to the beginning when Adam, Eve, Cain, and Abel walked the earth. I imagine that almost everyone has heard of Adam and Eve sometime in their life. They are the first people created by God when he formed and made the earth and everything in it. They were technically not born, they were both created. God then put them in a place called Eden, which I think we can say was probably the most beautiful place that ever existed on this earth.

    I think we can also say the same thing about Adam and Eve because they came directly from the mind and the power of God. Think about that for a second, they were the only perfect examples of humans that ever existed. Between physical characteristics, which I am sure was amazing, and their intelligence…literally the best…But I am digressing here so I need to get back on track.

    So why are we talking about them today? I wanted to zero in on their 2 boys for a second, Cain and Abel who tend to be famous for the wrong reasons. If you have never heard of these guys, I will briefly recap their story so you can understand.

    After Adam and Eve sinned and ate the forbidden fruit, God pushed them out of Eden into the regular world where they had to do back-breaking work every day to survive. During that next phase of their lives, Eve conceived and bore Adam 2 sons, the older one was Cain and the younger one was Abel. Cain was the farmer and made his living from the soil and Abel was the rancher who made his living with livestock. In the course of time, each of them brought an offering to the Lord from their production. The Bible says Cain brought some of the fruits of the soil and Abel brought the fatted portions, or in other words, the best of what he had, and gave as an offering to God.

    It turns out, that God frowns on gifts that are NOT the best of what we can give. If we hold back our best, God will not look at us with favor and that is what happened to Cain. Worse yet, Cain became very angry at God and his brother and the Bible says, his face was downcast. The next 2 verses below are what I want you to see and hear today.

    Then the LORD said to Cain, ‘Why are you angry? Why is your face downcast? If you do what is right, will you not be accepted? But if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door; it desires to have you, but you must rule over it. Genesis 4:6-7 NIV

    Think about this guys, the creator of Heaven had a conversation with Cain about what was happening inside of him. At this point, Satan is pushing Cain hard towards this anger and as we see very soon, Cain is unable to control it and he kills his brother Abel. God tried to step in and tell Cain directly and personally that SIN IS CROUCHING AT YOUR DOOR and…It desires to have you. He tried to prevent him from doing what came next. Cain chose the wrong path.

    Guys, here is my newsflash to you…NOTHING has changed for any of us. Sin continues to crouch at all of our doors and it continues to desire to have you, me, all of us. 

    BUT…if you take charge and resist and, as the Bible says in the same verse, RULE OVER IT, you can have success with overcoming the evil one at your door. 

    If something or someone came after your family, what would you do? I know exactly what you would do…you would do anything to protect them and keep them safe from harm because that is what you are supposed to do. 

    This situation is no different. Satan is coming after you because he desires to have you. Will you just roll over like Cain did and give in to anger? Or are you going to Rule over it as God himself told Cain to do and as He tells us to do?

    THAT is my challenge to you today, Guys…RESIST and then RULE

    Until next time Guys-

    So I recently found myself reading from the book of Romans. I have not spent much time in that book but I came across a scripture that hit me very hard. Honestly, like a brick in the side of the head hard…a scripture that affects all of us…

    This will take place on the day when God will judge men’s secrets through Jesus Christ, as my gospel declares.    Romans 2:16

    Now, if you are like me,  most of us don’t think about being accountable or the idea of being judged because maybe we don’t know? or we are just focused on what we see in front of us. Either way, this kind of verse typically isn’t at the forefront of our minds. I completely understand that because I am right here with you. 

    Our lives just get in the way.

    I also know with guys…well…our minds are usually running 100 mph, am I right? We tend to think about stuff like our work, kids, wife, vacation, yard work, that cute receptionist…You know I am right! You might as well admit that our brains roam all over the place and sometimes land in areas we know we shouldn’t be. These are the secrets that can get us into trouble. 

    One more thing I will tell you is we can’t use the excuse “We are guys and we’re just wired that way” NOPE…I am not buying that one…Because you DO have a choice…and you DO have control.

    But before I go any further, let me tell you I am NOT judging anyone out there. I fight the same battles you fight and continue to do my best I can to navigate this world just like you. But when I came across that verse…I was compelled to write because we, collectively as men, need to remember that we will be judged on OUR ACTIONS, OUR THOUGHTS, and OUR SECRETS.

    That blew me away. Why? Because I thought that my secrets were MINE just like your secrets are yours. No one else knows what they are and that’s why they are secrets. The problem we have now is they aren’t just our secrets anymore. 

    God not only knows about them, but He is planning on judging us accordingly…OUCH.

    So why do I write this today? Here is how I see this issue; when a verse that asks us (Christian Men) to separate ourselves is NOT in our line of sight, we don’t think about it, right? Maybe some of you never even knew that verse existed. But wherever you fall on that scale now, please understand this, the reason I write is to make you aware. I just want you to think about it.

    My intent is to remind you that what you have done, what you are doing, and what you will do…all of that MATTERS to God. And, more importantly, you and I will be held accountable for our lives and how we lived them…AND, for our secrets. 

    That verse completely changed my mindset and I hope it does yours as well. By knowing, or just being aware, you can adjust. Every one of us has to make course corrections periodically on this journey we call life. It’s just the way it is…

    Until next time guys…

    Have you ever read the story of Samson? If you are a guy, Samson is the Hercules of the Bible. He was by far the strongest character the Bible talks about and honestly, besides David fighting Goliath, no other character was like Samson. Think about it…You have Joshua who was the warrior of the Bible. He was a General and a leader who conquered the Land of Canaan by following the direction of the Lord. With each conquest that God gave to Joshua, his legend grew among his enemies…But Joshua was a general with an army. Samson was just one guy whom God raised up to fight an entire Philistine nation. 

    Samson’s story is unlike anything you have ever read. Did you know that an angel of the Lord came and announced to Samson’s mother that she would give birth to him? (Judges 13:3). That only happened a couple of other times in the Bible and BOTH were significant births…I am sure you recall both John the Baptist and Jesus Christ?

    Samson however, was born and raised from day one with the Nazirite vow which meant that no razor could ever touch his head. Why? Because he was set apart for God from birth. Just so you catch this part…He was set apart from birth by God to save his people. Talk about having a plan for your life.

    With that small introduction, this begins my blog about why I never quite understood this Samson character. As I mentioned, God anointed his birth as the next Judge of Israel. (If you don’t know Judges, the book after Joshua, God raised up a few people during this time to lead Israel…because they had no King) God gave Samson to Israel to fight for them against the idol-worshiping Philistines and that is exactly what he did.

    Samson drove the Philistines nuts. He was a one-man wrecking crew every single time he encountered them. One guy against an army…and the army had no chance. Again why? The Bible tells us that each time he met them, “The Spirit of the Lord came upon him in power” which meant that suddenly, Samson became the strongest human being who ever lived, and what army could stand against that?

    I could go on and on about his feats of strength but I want to zero in on the reason I am writing today. Samson had another weakness besides shaving his head which, if you had not figured out was the secret to his strength. The weakness I am referring to is lust and sex. Samson was attracted to Philistine women and according to the Bible, he could not get enough which ultimately leads us to Delilah. If you have yet to hear about her then sit tight. 

    Delilah was a beautiful Philistine woman and in my opinion, is the epitome of the line said in the animated Disney movie, Beauty and the Beast, “Twas Beauty that killed the Beast”. Samson fell in love with her for the reasons I mentioned above. Moreover, she must have been well known because once she got her hooks into Samson, Delilah was approached by the local Philistine leaders to find out the secret of his strength so they could capture him. If she could do that, she would get paid. 

    The Bible tells us that several times Samson gave her false ways for him to lose his strength and each time she fell for it. Finally, because of this continued failure, the Bible tells us that she began to nag and pester him to the point that he was literally “tired to death of listening to her”. The bottom line… Samson finally relented and told her his secret and of course, he was captured. They shaved his head, gouged out his eyes, and threw him in prison.

    Here is where I have to ask the question, what did he expect to happen? Each time she asked the question he made up an answer. Finally, he gave in. Was Samson that unintelligent?

    Secondly, the Bible also says that when his head was shaved, the Spirit of the Lord left him and he did not know it, Judges 16:20. That is also very hard to grasp because I would think the presence of the Spirit would be a living and powerful presence inside of him and with it exiting you would think he would notice…but that was not the case.

    I need to wrap this up so what can we learn from this story? I think one of the biggest lessons about Samson is that he was able to overcome how far he had fallen. God never forgot Samson, even while in prison. When we look back on the life of Samson, we can also see that God viewed him as a man of faith. Samson is listed among the other men of faith in Hebrews 11:12 below:

    And what more shall I say? I do not have time to tell about Gideon, Barak, Samson, and Jephthah, about David and Samuel, and the prophets…

    All of those men did GREAT things for God but yet every single man on that list also had his faults…just like you and I do. But God was able to use them exactly for the purposes they were created for. Samson in particular, is included in the Bible for that very reason.

    The bottom line for you and me, we don’t have to have our lives all buttoned up and perfect before God will consider using us. That is so far from the truth. Think about it…Samson was a mess but God was able to use him for his purposes JUST like He can do with you. All you have to do is take the first step and ask…

    I encourage you to do just that-

    Until next time Guys…

    I hope this one gets you excited!… Have you ever read these 3 verses before In Joshua?

    Now when Joshua was near Jericho, he looked up and saw a man standing in front of him with a drawn sword in his hand. Joshua went up to him and asked, “Are you for us or for our enemies?”

    “Neither,” he replied, “but as Commander of the Army of the LORD I have now come.” Then Joshua fell facedown to the ground in reverence, and asked him, “What message does my Lord have for his servant?”

    The commander of the LORD’s army replied, “Take off your sandals, for the place where you are standing is holy.” And Joshua did so.   Joshua 5:13-15

    Unlike my usual approach, I believe it’s important to begin this blog by acknowledging that some of you may be unfamiliar with these verses. So let me set the stage;

    Israel is about to go to war with one of the most disturbing, detestable, and disgusting groups of people that ever lived on this earth. The residents of Jericho’s sin had reached what God called “its full measure” which meant that after giving them ample time to repent, He was done with them. Their punishment…would be death by Israelite. 

    So picture in your mind, thousands of men screaming and banging their weapons together, raising their fists and shooting as loud as they could. Both sides faced each other only in this instance, the warriors of Jericho stood very comfortably on the inside of the largest and impenetrable fortress of its time. Archaeologists confirm the walls of Jericho stood 30 feet high and get this, 20 feet thick.

    How, on God’s green earth could an Israelite force, or for that matter, any force,  assail an army behind walls that could not be broached? Enter God and His plan which was very different than what you and I would have done…but it worked. 

    But the reason I write this post today is to call your attention to someone who came to this fight before it started. Did you pick that up in verse 14? I call your attention to the “Commander of the Armies of the Lord” Have you heard of this guy before? Did you know there was a Commander for the Armies of God? Can you imagine what this warrior from Heaven looked like? Guys, that is another blog altogether. But, here is my question to you, why was this Commander, with his seniority in Heaven, present at this battle?

    Please hear my words guys because there is no conjecture here. This Commander was at this battle for one reason… besides the physical war happening between Israel and the men of Jericho, God’s armies were doing battle with the forces of Satan. All of this chaos was happening at the same time and the reason I mention this today is simply to point out that God did not desert his people. He sent His forces to war right alongside the Israelites to ensure victory during a battle unlike any other.

    But I must bring this story back down to you and me, Let me remind you that God is doing the very same thing now in all of our lives. PLEASE remember that Spiritual forces are fighting for you and at the very same time, different forces are fighting against you. Yes…this is true. There is a battle going on for your individual soul. I have written about this many times in past blogs but when I get to illustrate God’s action by showing you who is sent to defend you, I just think that is incredibly encouraging and I hope you find that to be true as well.

    Remember, you are NOT alone in your battle. God will send the Commander of the Armies of the Lord along with the legions of Angels to keep you safe. They are still on duty…

    Until next time Guys-

    Hey Guys, here is a quick break from our normal Iron-Man-Strength.com Blog programming. It is almost that time of year when millions of Americans will all huddle around their monster television screens just to watch the Superbowl commercials…just kidding, I am sure many of you will actually be tuning in to watch the game. 

    Either way, Superbowl 2024 is coming this weekend so I thought I would take just a few minutes break to provide you some Football Fun Facts I found online. Never wanting to plagiarize, I pulled this article from the website below and want to ensure I give them full credit.

    I hope you enjoy and you can expect a new blog post soon-

    AFI | American Football | 01/24/2023


    Are you a football fan? Then you’ll love these fun football facts! Football is one of America’s favorite sports, and it has been around for over 100 years. From the early days of leather helmets to today’s modern game with all its technology, the sport continues to evolve and bring joy to millions of people each year. 

    Did you know that some teams have never changed their names since they were first established? Or that college players can be drafted from other countries? Here are some amazing facts about NFL football that will surprise even the most die-hard fans!

    The New York Jets have never beaten the Philadelphia Eagles

    The New York Jets have never beaten the Philadelphia Eagles, and this is a record that has lasted since the team’s first meeting in 1973. Since then, the Eagles have maintained an incredible 12-0 winning streak over the Jets. The two teams have met a total of 12 times in their history, and not once has the Jets managed to get the better of their cross-state rivals.

    This impressive streak is not only one of the longest in NFL history, but it also puts into perspective just how dominant the Eagles have been against the Jets.

    The longest NFL game ever was played in 1971

    In 1971, the Miami Dolphins and Kansas City Chiefs went toe-to-toe in what would be the longest NFL game ever. The two teams battled it out for a total of 82 minutes and 40 seconds, culminating with a dramatic field goal by Garo Yepremian to secure the win for Miami.

    The game spanned four quarters plus an overtime period, making it one of the most exciting and exhausting games in NFL history. To this day, it remains the longest professional football contest ever played.

    An NFL Kicker Once Won the MVP

    Mark Moseley was an NFL kicker who made history in 1982 when he became the first and only kicker to win the MVP award. Moseley played for the Washington Redskins at the time and had a career-best season, converting on all but one of his field goal attempts. His consistent kicking helped propel the Redskins to an impressive 8–1 record in conference play, clinching them a berth in the playoffs.

    The strike-shortened season created an utterly strange situation where a kicker of all people would win MVP in the nine games he played. This truly amazing feat is one of the most unlikely events to ever occur in NFL history, making it an amazing fact for all football fans!

    Ohio State Has the Biggest College Fanbase

    According to Sports Illustrated, the Ohio State Buckeyes have the biggest college football fanbase in the United States. This comes as no surprise, given that the Buckeyes are one of the most successful programs in college football history. The team has won eight national championships and produced dozens of NFL stars, making it a fan favorite for generations.

    The Ohio State fanbase stretches across the entire country and continues to grow each year. The passionate fans create an electric atmosphere at home games, making them some of the best-attended events in all of college sports. Whether you’re a fan or not, it’s hard to deny just how impressive this feat is when compared to other universities around the nation.

    Ohio is a gigantic football state in general, with the Bengals playing there. The Ohio sports betting market is huge, with its residents spending millions of dollars each year on NFL and college football.

    The Super Bowl Wasn’t called the Super Bowl Originally

    Originally, the Super Bowl was just called the NFL-AFL Championship Game. It was only after Lamar Hunt, the owner of the Kansas City Chiefs, coined the term “Super Bowl” that it became the name we know and love today.

    As time went on, the Super Bowl grew in importance and popularity, and eventually, it was decided that the new name would become official.

    The Super Bowl is one of the most important events in all of sports, and it’s amazing to think that it started as just a simple championship game with no real fanfare. Now, it’s one of the most watched sporting events in the world and has become synonymous with American culture.

    And with sports betting now growing rapidly in the United States, the Super Bowl has also become the most wagered-on event on the US sports calendar.

    American sportsbooks have been quick to pounce on the opportunities presented by the big game, using the Super Bowl platform to promote their features and best NFL betting offers.

    Television advertising during the Super Bowl doesn’t come cheap! In fact, the event commands the most expensive advert rates on US TV.


    These fun football facts highlight the amazing history of the NFL, as well as the impact that individual players and teams have had on the game. From impressive streaks to unlikely MVPs and even an unusual name change, these facts give us a glimpse into some of the most memorable moments in American sports history. 

    Whether or not you’re a fan of football, these facts are sure to impress and provide an interesting look at how much this sport has changed over time. So next time you’re watching a game, be sure to keep these wild stories in mind!

    Until next time Guys-

    The Bible talks plainly about eternal life, which is, simply put, living forever with God as His saved people. This means that only those who have a saving relationship with God; meaning one that is active and fruitful, are identified as people who will receive eternal life.

    Humanity, of course, has taken the concept of eternal life and added its dose of limited understanding to bring it down to a level where they can understand it in their terms and not in Gods. They have watered eternal life down to a point where either the concept is so ridiculous that they do not believe it, or they adjust what is required to get there so that they can live their life as they want to. Kind of the “have your cake and eat it too” mentality. I have seen this and I am sure you have as well.

    Maybe you don’t believe in Eternal Life yourself…

    I will be honest with you, Eternal life, without faith, is hard to understand. The idea of living forever is something we only see in the movies. Our collective reality is we are surrounded by death and even though living forever sounds amazing, it is hard to think that could happen. When your loved one passes, they are physically gone and until you die yourself and find out where they went by then it is too late.

    Guys, I want to give you some help with this topic so we can better understand…but I have to warn you…this topic does require faith in what you cannot see. Remember, the author of Hebrews said it this way,

            Now Faith is being sure of what we hope for and CERTAIN of what we do not see. Hebrews 11:1

    First of all, eternal life is more than some endless existence floating around somewhere. I am sure you have seen the cartoon of the guy floating around on a cloud playing the harp…that is NOT eternal life.

    Eternal life will be a special quality of life that we as believers receive when we partake of the essential life of God through Christ His Son…all this means is you have an ongoing active relationship with Christ. And that eternal life I am speaking about is a present reality while you live on Earth. Jesus said it very plainly this way,

    “My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life, and they will never perish, and no one will snatch them out of my hand. John 10:27-28

    As I said, the present possession of eternal life requires a living faith…meaning at your very core, you believe. I must make clear that Eternal life is not just secured and maintained merely by repenting and having faith from a long time ago. But rather it involves the present living connection with Christ…Because there is NO eternal life apart from Him.

    Whoever has the Son has life; whoever does not have the Son of God does not have life. 1 John 5:12

    Finally, there is our FUTURE Hope…

    We have a hope that lives in us because of our salvation in Him. The bottom line for you and me is that our Eternal life is directly connected with the future coming of Christ for all of His faithful believers. We have been given hope, through many scriptures that He will return and fulfill His promises.

    ..which now has been manifested through the appearing of our Savior Christ Jesus, who abolished death and brought life and immortality to light through the gospel. 2 Timothy 1:10

    How can I sum this up for you? I specifically kept this post separated from the topic of Heaven as that is the “where” and I am referring to the “what”. Eternal life can begin on Earth with a saving salvation in Christ Jesus. That is living by the Spirit daily and something that you participate in like going to the gym. Yes, it is like exercising your spiritual muscle.

    That daily and faithful relationship produces eternal fruit for you. But the easiest way to understand is to use the same verse we all learned as children:

    For God so loved the world that He gave His only son so that whosoever believes in Him would not die, but have eternal life. John 3:16

    I know this was short, but hopefully, this helped you grasp eternal life a little bit easier. Your walk in faith takes effort and time but the relationship you develop with Christ is the beginning of eternal life and will be the most rewarding thing you have ever experienced…that I can assure you.

    Until next time, guys-

    Over the last few years, we have seen this phrase trotted out constantly in the media through political campaigns as a reminder that the idea of Hope is actually a bad idea. Why? Because Hope should not be counted on as something that will happen. But, if this were true, then why would anyone feel good about hope in the first place? 

    Today, I hope to change your mind about this topic because if your hope strategy is actually Biblical Hope, then it is by far the best strategy any of us can count on or put our faith in.

    One of the most powerful emotions we can experience as humans is the feeling of Hope. I have experienced this personally as I am sure most of you have too. To go through a situation that is painful or difficult at whatever level, grief or loss or something, and to come out of that ordeal with a solid Hope for the future is a feeling that is hard to describe. Hope not only makes you feel better, but it also makes you feel better also. What I mean is…Hope is healthier for your body because when you are full of hope, you are not full of stress. 

    Think about this; Hope and Stress do not peacefully coexist in the same body.

    I am writing about Hope today because, by its very nature, Hope concerns the future and when I watch the news, the future looks to be very disconcerting. Yet Hope involves so much more than just a desire or a wish for something better in the next week, month, or year. If you haven’t already noticed, I wanted to introduce you to a different kind of Hope and one that is a far more solid version. 

    Yep…you guessed it, Biblical Hope. Here are two hope verse examples below:

    But the eyes of the Lord are on those who fear Him, on those whose Hope is in His unfailing love, to deliver them from death and keep them alive in famine. Psalms 33:18-19

    Then you will know that I am the Lord, those who hope in me will not be disappointed. Isa 49:23b

    Can you imagine hoping for something and not being disappointed? This is what I mean… Biblical Hope is a whole different level of Hope because it consists of assurance of the heart and firm confidence about the future of things on this earth. Why? Because these “things” are based on God’s promises

    In other words, Biblical Hope is inseparably linked to a Firm Faith and a strong confident trust in God.  These all work together to provide you with a foundation that cannot be shaken. You can be navigating the largest and most difficult situation you thought possible, but because of Biblical Hope…everything changes. I am not blowing smoke here. Biblical Hope can feel physical and can provide the foothold you need to make it to your next step…and the one after that.

    Guys…I cannot emphasize enough how many promises are made in the Bible that are mentioned for no other reason than to give you and me HOPE. God didn’t leave you on an island called Earth without a lifeboat. He filled up an entire book with reasons why you should hang on and not give in to whatever tidal wave you think is coming.

    Bottom line for you and me…Hope is, without a doubt, a strategy if your Hope is in Him…

    Until next time Guys-