Posts Tagged ‘Heart’

friends gather

Jesus said to his disciples in Luke 18:8, when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on the earth?

Guys, as we approach our collective futures, the question for each believer is… Am I persevering in faith, continuing steadfast in prayer, and calling on God so that justice may be done and his righteous cause may triumph completely and forever?

Or am I so preoccupied with this life, my life, that I am not looking forward to Christ’s return and his eternal kingdom?

Which one are you?

If you are too busy to remember what Christ did for you on the cross, then this short reminder is for you… I encourage you, my brother, to stop and hit the reset switch for yourself and your eyes back on Christ and not on what you see in front of you or on your phone.

All of the distractions…well, those are Satan‘s traps he has set for you. Think about this, by distracting you, he can persuade you into believing that what you see around you is all there is to YOUR life… But that is NOT THE TRUTH, your life and your future life is to live with Christ having an eternal future…that is His plan for you.

Guys…Don’t lose your focus. Put your phone down for a minute and don’t become preoccupied with what is on this earth. It is only TEMPORARY.

In His word, Christ encourages us to seek him every day, all the time, so that our faith stays strong…In Jeremiah 29:13 we are told, you will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. 

At the beginning of this blog, I gave you a verse in Luke that talked about even Christ having concerns that when he returns to this earth will there be any faith left?

I ask you today… Is your faith still there?…or are you preoccupied?

Stay strong-

Until next time guys…


Guys…like most of you, Christmas is sneaking up on me again this year. Each year it seems that the Christmas little_drummer_boyseason begins just a few days earlier than the previous one. I would argue that very soon both November and December will be considered Christmas months and the holidays will go on even longer. But I digress…I got the idea for this post when I heard my first Christmas song of the season the other day…a song I have heard for many years but for some reason, one line stuck out to me this time. I know you have all heard “The Little Drummer Boy” which is the fictitious story of the little boy who had no gift to bring to the baby Jesus so he played his little drum as his gift. Literally, that is the concept of the whole song. He had no gift to bring…So he gave what he had…because he had no gift to bring…

So that simple line got me thinking that I really have no gift to bring Him either. At least the little drummer boy had a drum, right? I’m just a guy trudging his way down life’s path wondering what’s on the other side just like everyone else… But is it possible that we get focused on what we CAN’T DO instead of what we can? The statement…”I have no gift to bring” is very true…none of us do…but my point is…


God is NOT focused on gifts…He doesn’t care about your stuff…He just cares about your heart. Maybe you have heard this verse or maybe not. I do hope you have which means you are living life in some freedom but if not…hear me now:

No mater what condition YOU are in or better said, your heart is in…if you have had a very hard road and you don’t think you are acceptable to God for any reason…

God will still say yes to you. YOU ARE NOT ALONE… Jesus said:

Come to me, all you who are weary and heavy burdened and I WILL GIVE YOU REST. Matthew 11:28

Who isn’t weak and heavy burdened right now? All of us are…Guys, if you seek Christ, you will find Christ. He is not hiding…but it does require a first step…YOUR first step. Doesn’t rest sound pretty good right now anyway?

Guys, my point to you this day is simply that none of us have a gift to bring because we all think we aren’t good enough to move forward…With some tough love, I am telling you today to get out of your own way and simply take a step towards Him and let HIM do the rest.

He will.

Truly…the best gift you can give God this Christmas Season…is you…


As I sit back and watch this Christmas season play itself out, I am reminded of a verse I read recently in Ecclesiastes of all places; it says,

He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the hearts of men; yet they cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to end. Ecclesiastes 3:11.

What does this verse have to do with Christmas? Nothing and yet everything, because I believe it provides a glance at the magnitude of God as well as something we have talked about before in this blog…eternity in heaven. And what does that have to do with Christmas? Well, frankly everything, because if you really think about it, we have already been given the greatest gift of all, the gift of eternal life through Christ Jesus. What could possibly be better than that?

So why do I pick now, the middle of Christmas season, to remind you…? Because, as this Christmas Season continues to progress with the scramble for gifts, fighting crowds, traffic jams, music, decorations and the like I just can’t help wonder what God thinks about all of this? Well, actually, I already know what God thinks. He doesn’t care…What I mean is…He doesn’t care about the business of decorating, or gift giving, or Christmas Carols, What He cares about…is your heart (and…I have proof). Do you remember back in the Old Testament when God was looking for a new King to replace Saul? If you recall, God decided on David for many reasons but when He sent Samuel to find him He said;

…Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him (Saul). The Lord does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.

1 Samuel 16:7.

Guys, if there is one thing I hope you understand it is that God is NOT like you and me. He doesn’t think or act like a human being. As mentioned above in Samuel, He does not care what you look like on the outside, but rather what your heart looks like on the inside. The only way you can gain access to the “eternity that is set in your heart” as stated above in Ecclesiastes, is to set your eyes on Him…especially during Christmas.

Christmases will come and go, for years and years and one thing will still stand true throughout…You CANNOT get to eternity in your own. However, 2000 years ago, God came in the form of a baby to save you and me from certain death. All you have to do is to…trust and believe with all of your heart…God will do the rest.

Let me leave you with one more thought:

Recently, some kindergarten students were asked to share their definition of love at Christmas time…This one from Bobby, age 7, was my favorite…

Love is what is in the room at Christmas when you stop opening presents and just listen…

From all of us here  @IronmanStrength,

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year…